Convoy Q

Social Convoys, Cognitive Reserve and Resilience, and Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias.

Walter O. Bockting, PhD - Principal Investigator

Minority stress and related health disparities may increase the risk for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) among minority populations, while social support has the potential to be protective. This study will examine the role of minority stress, social network characteristics, along with other resources and wellbeing, in the development of cognitive reserve and resilience. Findings will inform the development and testing of future, tailored interventions to prevent cognitive decline and ADRD.



Collaborative Access For LGBT Adults

The Collaborative Access for LGBT Adults (CALA) is a program funded through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to develop and integrate team-based behavioral health services within Columbia Doctors Nurse Practitioner Group Primary Care Practice located in Washington Heights. The program offers a full array of behavioral health services including individual psychotherapy and medication management through a team of providers who are skilled in LGBT culturally competent care
